Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Blog about Life

I have tried to be the avid blogger in the recent past only to be disappointed. This time I will try to come at it a little differently. I will simply post about my life.
I am in my last week of pregnancy. As the time draws near, all I can think about is the fact that I'm about to be a mother, and about how I will be able to sleep on my stomach again. I've gained a lot of weight with this pregnancy, I've been tired, and I've seen my relationship with my husband (of a little less than two years) strengthen instead of weaken.
This past nine months has been difficult. We do not make much money, we are both young (25 and 23), but yet we have made it almost to the end without losing the bond we had when we first fell in love. My husband is my best friend, and by the Lord's grace he will remain so.
Now, I want to be honest. It is not that my husband and I have lived without disagreements these past two years. Quite the contrary. I do not think that successful marriages are necessarily the result of constant agreement. I believe that the most successful marriages are built around spouses who both know that they are imperfect people. I know that my marriage could have ended as soon as it began if I did not realize that when I mess up I could confess it and come back to being the best friend/wife/confidant/etc. It is only when we let those disagreements fester and multiply that we come to a place of resentment for our spouse.
Now I am blessed. I have a God who is on my side, and I have an amazing family to lead me in the way I should go. I don't take those things for granted. This blog will be about my life as I manage a newborn, marriage, friendships, and this wonderful relationship with God that makes all of those things possible.
It may also follow me as I shed the pregnancy weight, train for various sporting endeavors, and learn to hang out with tiny children the majority of the day. But we shall see...

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