Friday, April 8, 2011

Back to the Land of the Living

I'm back... well, I'm off the couch.
Today is Martin's one month birthday and I finally got moving. I kept getting motivated to start moving again, even just to clean up the kitchen or fold laundry, but thing after thing came up every week that would set my recovery time or sleep time back.
I was getting really frustrated about how long it was taking me to get back to my former energy level, and suddenly... today I was back.
I cleaned my kitchen (per Flylady instructions I shined my sink and swept/mopped the kitchen floor), I did two loads of laundry all the way to completion, had a devotion, and I took a walk with Marty in tow.

Martin loves to be awake. I'm attempting to do the Baby Wise program (which calls for a routine of Feeding time-Wake time-sleep time), but when I put him in his crib to take his nap this morning he just lay there looking at the ceiling and making noises. I love that boy so much I can't stand it. Needless to say, when I took him on a walk he fell sound asleep almost as soon as we set foot on pavement. It's okay, I'm nothing if not flexible.
Now he is sleeping soundly in his crib and I'm needing a cup of coffee... annnd I need to go to the grocery store so that we finally have some food in the house.
I guess that's all for today...

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