Monday, April 25, 2011

Trying Something New

I like having a firm routine. I like to have the same time to wake up every day, same time eating breakfast, same time exercising, etc. Having a baby has changed everything.
I strive to do all that Babywise requires of me but it's difficult sometimes. My little Martin is changing so much every day that it seems like no day is exactly the how I plan for it to be.
I'm not good at keeping up with subtle changes or even noticing them until I've had two whole days that are just off-kilter and I'm so exhausted I can barely handle it anymore. So I decided this will start being my "Babywise Log." If I keep up with how every day goes maybe I can start to notice trends that are consistently messing up his schedule.
I know that what we're doing with his feeding/wake-time/sleeping routine is better than the alternative, but sometimes I just get frustrated that I can't seem to really ease into a comfortable rhythm. As soon as I start feeling in step, he wakes up thirty minutes early from his nap and the whole day is shifted.

But it's okay. I know that I eventually will reap the rewards of a well-trained child. But I am tired. I do know, however, that he will take some form of a nap even if it's only fifteen minutes of actual sleep-time and I can rest. I know other mothers don't always have that opportunity. So, here's how today went.
Last night was a terrible night. He woke up every 1.5 hours starving.
Our first feeding is usually between 6:30 and 7am, but today he woke up at 5. I fed him a small meal and put him back to bed until 7:30am. I woke him up, fed him, and usually I would keep him awake for this playtime, but I was so exhausted I just put him back to bed until 10.
We stayed awake for awhile, he played with his daddy for awhile while I cleaned up the kitchen and got ready for the gym. He slept in the carseat while I worked out, but woke up at 12:10 to eat instead of 12:30.
I fed him and then he lay on my bed while I cleaned out my closet before I put him to sleep. He cried for about twenty minutes then slept until 2:30. I fed him and we hung out for awhile, then I ran some errands. I put him down for a nap at 3:30 and he woke up at 5, starving. I fed him, we hung out for awhile in his room and then we were off to family dinner where he was held by family until 6:30--he then slept until 7:25, but self-soothed and went back to sleep until 7:45. He was happy with a pacifier, so I let him suck on it until 8:15 then I fed him.
He was happy and alert, not sleepy at all, so I let him stay awake until about 9:30 then he fell asleep for about fifteen minutes. I fed him the Dreamfeed and then put him to bed. He cried for approximately twenty minutes and is now fast asleep in his bassinet. I am not far behind him.
Let's hope I get a good stretch of sleep tonight. Babywise promises that babies will sleep through the night somewhere between 7-9 weeks. So I hope my Martin is closer to the 7 week mark, that would be this weekend.
Until tomorrow then...

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