Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Boring Post

So, here I am almost 6 weeks in and I'm exhausted. I don't know if it is the rainy day I'm experiencing, or if it is just utter tiredness, but I can't get out of this funk. I should probably just go to sleep with Martin after he eats this next time.
Today, I did accomplish something. I went to the grocery store, bought a comforter set for Martin's crib, annnd did some laundry. I also visited with my mom (twice) and drank way too much coffee.
I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for my 6 week check-up and I hope this means he will give me clearance to get back to all of my normal activities even though I don't quite feel up to anything today.
I'm eating healthier these days. I just ate shrimp, lima beans, corn, and an apple with peanut butter for dessert. I even managed to buy healthier food without going very far over my budget. I'm hoping eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables will help me lose the rest of this baby weight fairly quickly.

This is a very boring post.
In the next few days I'm hoping to try my hand at writing another short story, pick Middlemarch back up, and just sit in the quiet of my house while my baby boy sleeps. I haven't been fully enjoying the quietness of naptimes, but I really should take advantage of it.
Well, I'm back to the joys of Mommyhood.

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