Saturday, April 9, 2011

Exercise Among Other Things...

Today I did my first workout (real workout) since Martin came. I guess it was the total unfamiliarity I feel with my body after childbirth that made me hesitate when it came to working out. I couldn't really bring myself to do anything besides walking, which I don't think was a bad idea considering that I just gave birth a month ago. But nonetheless, I eased back into my old workouts today.
I didn't do much, just a little ab work, some push-ups, and fifteen minutes on the stationary bike. I'm going to wait to see what I feel like in the morning (soreness-wise), and decide how to proceed from there. I am so ready to be rid of these lingering few pounds. I am down 32lbs, and I just have a few left, but I know I won't get back to my pre-pregnancy body and fitness level without a lot of hard work. Don't be concerned, however, I am not rushing anything.
Well, my baby is crying so now it is time to go get him and shed a few ounces of weight.

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