I guess the title of this post isn't exactly honest. I am not bored in the traditional sense of the word. Explain? Okay, my husband started a new job this week. A job that has him working 12-14 hour days half an hour away from our home. That leaves a grand total of 9 hours per day for him to be at home.
Now, I know I'm blessed to have a husband who really enjoys spending time with me and our son, but those couple of hours of time we get to spend as a family really fly by.
I'm not complaining about the job-- we are trully blessed to have this income and I am very thankful for it, but it is teaching me to cherish those times we have together. I am a recovering tvoholic, and when we had more time together we would often squander it on whatever show we were currently going through on Netflix.
I wasted a lot of time.
Now, I see him and entertainment that keeps us from talking makes me feel a little ill.
So, back to being bored. On Monday I read an entire book-- now I haven't done that very often in the past few years. I think it comes from not having the time to do it. And although I'm busier than ever now during my "free-time," I also have the option to choose to read instead of working on whatever project I'm currently working on. But after I have read an entire book, there is still an expanse of time looming in front of me like a highway in Oklahoma. I've been cooking dinner, working out, doing laundry, playing with my baby, running errands, cleaning house, writing, and that's all before lunch.
I've always been an independent person, but now I'm finding myself not liking being on my own so much. I miss my husband--but missing him only reminds me how blessed I am to be married to my best friend.
Also, text messaging is awesome.
I could use all this extra time to get good and skinny, I guess. Working out with a baby in the gym is a little tedious at times, but I am grateful to be able to use the gym like that. Martin sleeps very well in his car seat while I blast Pride and Prejudice (the good version), and sprint on a loud treadmill.
He is such a good kid.
Well, that's all, I guess.
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